05 February 2011



Melakukan apapun, kalau tidak dengan sepenuh hati (bahasa militernya, elek-elekan) justru akan membuatmu semakin menderita. Seperti halnya bekerja tanpa passion ataupun beribadah tanpa khusyu'. Lapangan hijau ini menjadi saksinya.

I want, by understanding myself,
to understand others.
I want to be all
that I am capable of becoming...
This all sounds
very strenuous and serious.
But now that I have wrestled with it,
it's no longer so.
I feel happy - deep down
All is well.

(Katherine Mansfiled)

*Sedang berusaha menghadirkan kembali  passion dalam bekerja.

picture: lapangan hijau tempat jungkir balik, PUSDIKHUB TNI AD, Cimahi.


chudexs said...

thanks for the information you write
I am very interested
I wait for your next writing

Anonymous said...

hadirkan suasana baru..penyemangat baru...